
Pickleball Australia Association Ltd


Membership benefits, other than the right to vote, will be available to you on completion of the application form and the payment of the relevant fees. Your application will be acknowledged by email including a membership number. Your right to vote and official membership will be automatic, unless, within 60 days of applying, the application is rejected by the club, state association, or PAA. If this occurs you will be notified in writing and all fees will be refunded.

Please note:

1. If approved, an individual becomes a member of PAA and the State body and the affiliated club (if relevant) through which they applied.

2. In the situation that membership is not approved, the applying member will receive a full refund of the registration costs.

3. If membership is not approved an individual may still apply directly to the level above for membership.


I understand and will adhere to the policies and guidelines, as applicable, provided by Pickleball Australia Association Limited, its affiliated state members associations and the affiliated club associations.

I further declare:

1. I consider myself to be physically fit and capable of full participation and agree to notify my nominated association if this changes.  Furthermore, in the event I am injured I give permission for event organisers to obtain emergency  medical treatment on my behalf.

2. At pickleball events I will be responsible for monitoring my health status, warming up before sessions, hydrating to maintain fluids during sessions and cool down after sessions.  I will follow directions from Event Hosts at any pickleball events attended.

(Lodgement of this application is taken as a signature to this declaration)

Brisbane Pickleball Club

I [Full name - Supplied] of [Address - Supplied] hereby declare to voluntarily participate in the Sporting Activities organised and run by BPC. In consideration of my application for participation being accepted
I acknowledge and agree that:

In this application and declaration:

"Claim" means and includes any action, suit, proceeding, claim, demand, damage, cost or expense however arising including but not limited to negligence but does not include a claim against a BPC under any right expressly conferred by its constitution or regulation.
“BPC” means Brisbane Pickleball Club Incorporated and, where the context so permits, its respective directors, staff officers, members, servants or agents.
"Sport" means the sport of Pickleball.
"Sporting Activities" means performing or participating in the Sport in any capacity which includes, but is not limited to, participation in training, competitions, social play, coaching or as an official. 

Warning: The Sporting Activities are inherently dangerous. I acknowledge that I am exposed to certain risks during Sporting Activities and that accidents may happen which may result in injury or death, or my property being damaged. I have read and understood this
warning and voluntarily accept and assume the inherent risks in participating in the Sporting Activities.

Exclusion of Implied Terms: I acknowledge that where I am a consumer of recreational services, as defined by any relevant law, certain terms and rights usually implied into a contract for the supply of services may be excluded. I acknowledge that these implied terms and rights and any liability of BPC flowing from them, are expressly excluded to the extent possible by law, by this declaration. To the extent of any liability arising, the liability of BPC will, at the discretion of BPC as the case may be, be limited in the case of goods, to the replacement, repair or payment of the cost of replacing the goods and in the case of services, the resupply of the services or payment of the cost of having the services supplied again. 

Release and Indemnity: In consideration of BPC accepting my declaration for participation I, to the extent permitted bylaw:
(a) release and will release BPC  from all Claims that I may have or may have had but for this release arising from or in connection with my participation in any Sporting Activities; and
(b) Indemnify and will keep indemnified BPC in respect of any Claim by any person arising as a result of or in connection with my participation in any Sporting Activities.

Fitness to Participate: I declare that I am medically and physically fit and able to participate in the Sporting Activities. I will immediately notify BPC verbally or in writing of any change to my medical condition, fitness or ability to participate. I understand and accept that BPC will continue to rely upon this document as evidence of my fitness and ability to participate.

Medical Treatment: I consent to receiving any medical treatment that the BPC reasonably considers necessary or desirable for me during my participation in the Sporting Activities. I also agree to reimburse BPC for any costs or expenses incurred in providing me with medical treatment.

Privacy: I understand that the personal information I have provided in this form is necessary for the objects of BPC. I acknowledge and agree that the personal information will be disclosed by BPC only to pursue its objects and general business. I understand that I will be able to access the personal information on request. If the personal information is not provided by me, my participation may be refused. I acknowledge that BPC may also use my personal information for the purposes of providing me with promotional material from BPC’s sponsors or third parties. I may advise BPC if I do not wish to receive any sponsor or third party promotional material.

I have provided the information required and e-signed this declaration. I warrant that all information provided is true and correct. I acknowledge this declaration cannot be amended. 

I have read, understood, acknowledge and agree to the above terms including the warning, exclusion of implied terms, release and indemnity.

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